How To Say Skateboard In Spanish. That's how you say skateboard in skate is a patinarpatineta. Would certainly i additionally need to say hago skateboard or monopatinaje when referring come the activity?

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Learn how to say skateboard in spanish and a lot of other related words. Well, i'm costa rican and i've always heard skateboarding with spanish pronunciation, as you said. (board on wheels) (aml) patineta nf.

A Skateboard Is A MonopatÍN.

However, depending on the sentence andar en patineta is used too, at least here. Please find below many ways to say skateboard in different languages. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural.

How Do You Say Skateboard In Spanish

How to say to skateboard in spanish? Learn the word for skateboard and other related vocabulary in castilian spanish so that you can talk about sports equipment with confidence. ¡es hora de que madures, viejo!

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For mine spanish class in highschool we space tasked to movie a video clip of oneself demonstrating a sport we like to do. It helps me gusta andar en skate. Here's a list of translations.

How To Say Skateboard In Spanish?

What is skateboard in mexican spanish and how to say it? Hago skateboard is common too. Home/american english to mexican spanish/sports equipment/skateboard.

Spanish Nouns Have A Gender, Which Is Either Feminine (Like La Mujer Or La Luna) Or Masculine (Like El Hombre Or El Sol).

(m) copyright © 2006 harrap publishers limited. How to say skateboard in spanish? This page provides all possible translations of the word skateboard in the spanish language.

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